新莆京app官网下载(中国)官方网站-App Store(全站)有限公司

  枣庄新莆京app官网下载(中国)官方网站-App Store有限公司成立于2000年,占地20,000多平方米。工厂坐落于枣庄市市中区经济开发区长江路29号,员工300余名,年产量80000台,主要生产民谣吉他、古典吉他。工厂汇聚了一批具有创新精神的制琴师,以一流的设计,一流的生产工艺,先进的经营理念,使得我厂产品质量上乘,深受广大消费者青睐。 最近几年公司一直着重于单板吉他的研发,不仅吉他的工艺、设计考究,更对吉他的声音不断提升,与国内外制琴师反复研究实验,做出一流的产品,我们的宗旨是:款款精品,制作适合您的琴!目前产品销往世界各地,深受好评,竭诚欢迎国内外客商前来洽谈、合作,共谋发展。

Zaozhuang Aosen Musical Instrument Co.LTD,founded in 2000,covers an area of more than 20.000 square meters ,located in 29#Changjiang Rd,zaozhuang ecnomic development area,with staff of over 300,annual output 80000 pieces.Mainly engaged in manufacturing folk guitar and classic guitar .With our best design and manufacturing technique, which makes our products high quality,we get so much popularity and preference.For the past few years we have been dedicated in research and develop solid guitars we've not only improved the workmanship and design, but also the tone quality. We have been working with the best guitar-makers from home and abroad,offering the best products to the world .Our aim is : "Make Every Product Perfect ,The Best Guitar You'll Ever Have." We have exported our product to all over the world.We welcome you and your company to visit and cooperate.
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